Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Creating primary key on a view

i'm connecting a view to microsoft mappoint using a .UDL. when i link the
data i need to select the primary key so i choose the customer number, but
there are a few shops that have to shops but one customer number so neither
go in to the map because they are duplicates. so i was wondering if i could
create a primary key in the view that is sort of like the autonumber in
access. so each shop would be given a number when the view is called and tha
could be my primary key. the number wouldn't even have to match up with the
same number every time i would just need it to get every shop into mappoint.
if anyone has any suggestions i would really appreciate it. thank you.
Message posted via http://www.webservertalk.comjbennett via wrote:
> i'm connecting a view to microsoft mappoint using a .UDL. when i link the
> data i need to select the primary key so i choose the customer number, but
> there are a few shops that have to shops but one customer number so neithe
> go in to the map because they are duplicates. so i was wondering if i coul
> create a primary key in the view that is sort of like the autonumber in
> access. so each shop would be given a number when the view is called and t
> could be my primary key. the number wouldn't even have to match up with th
> same number every time i would just need it to get every shop into mappoin
> if anyone has any suggestions i would really appreciate it. thank you.
> jb
> --
> Message posted via
Adding an "auto-number" (the similar feature is called IDENTITY in SQL
Server) doesn't seem to make much sense for the situation you
described. For future reference, it's a reliable rule of thumb that
doing anything "like Access" in SQL Server is often going to be a big
mistake ;-)
Instead, create a table called Shops. Shops obviously isn't the same as
David Portas, SQL Server MVP
Whenever possible please post enough code to reproduce your problem.
Including CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements usually helps.
State what version of SQL Server you are using and specify the content
of any error messages.
SQL Server Books Online:,SQL.90).aspx
>Instead, create a table called Shops. Shops obviously isn't the same as
Thank you for your reply, i'll keep in mind not to try stuff in SQL that i
can do in access:) we already have a customer table. the problem is that we
ship ups and some of our shops have po boxes for address so we need a ship t
address which is stored in another table. so i created a view that pulls in
the customer info with the shipping address. after i did that i came across
problem that some shops had 2 stores under one customer number creating a
duplicate primary key, because in mappoint i had to use custno as the primar
key. we have shops added wly and inactivated wly so i would have to
update a table all the time, that is why i used a view. if there is a way to
create a table that automatically updates that would be great. thanks again
for all your help.
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