Wednesday, March 7, 2012

creating Powerpoint presentations (etc) from SS 2000 T-SQL

I have a need to create Powerpoint presentations from T-SQL queries (SS
2000). Contents will involve sharts and tables. Now, I can think of some
crude hacks to accomplish this but I'm looking for the most elegant method
that doesn't require an intranet server (not a possibility at the moment).
So my questions are:
1) What is the best way to do this?
2) How do I make xp_cmdshell transactions run on the client instead of the
Randall ArnoldOops, "sharts" should be "charts".
"Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
>I have a need to create Powerpoint presentations from T-SQL queries (SS
>2000). Contents will involve sharts and tables. Now, I can think of some
>crude hacks to accomplish this but I'm looking for the most elegant method
>that doesn't require an intranet server (not a possibility at the moment).
>So my questions are:
> 1) What is the best way to do this?
> 2) How do I make xp_cmdshell transactions run on the client instead of the
> server?
> Thanks,
> Randall Arnold
>|||I assumed that you were creating 'charts' for attorneys...
Arnie Rowland, YACE*
"To be successful, your heart must accompany your knowledge."
*Yet Another certification Exam
"Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
> Oops, "sharts" should be "charts".
> "Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
> news:3nUmg.32998$
>|||Shart is something completely different in this neck of the woods. ;)
Arnie Rowland wrote:
> I assumed that you were creating 'charts' for attorneys...
> --
> Arnie Rowland, YACE*
> "To be successful, your heart must accompany your knowledge."
> *Yet Another certification Exam
> "Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
> news:wFUmg.32999$|||Yeah, yeah, yuck it up : P.
But-- no suggestions?
: (
"PSPDBA" <> wrote in message
> Shart is something completely different in this neck of the woods. ;)
> Arnie Rowland wrote:
>|||Why would you not consider SQL Reporting Services?
With SRS you have extensive formatting control over the presentation output.
I assume you mean that you desire to have 'sharts' (couldn't resist) and
tables reflective of data -not DDL or DML.
With SRS the learning curve is relatively short for relatively simple
Arnie Rowland, YACE*
"To be successful, your heart must accompany your knowledge."
*Yet Another certification Exam
"Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
> Yeah, yeah, yuck it up : P.
> But-- no suggestions?
> : (
> Randall
> "PSPDBA" <> wrote in message
>|||I *have* considered it. I just can't get our IT guys on the ball to respond
to requests about it (services not currently running). In the meantime,
I've got this growing daily demand for reports in a company that lives on
Powerpoint presentations...
Randall Arnold
"Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> Why would you not consider SQL Reporting Services?
> With SRS you have extensive formatting control over the presentation
> output. I assume you mean that you desire to have 'sharts' (couldn't
> resist) and tables reflective of data -not DDL or DML.
> With SRS the learning curve is relatively short for relatively simple
> presentations.
> --
> Arnie Rowland, YACE*
> "To be successful, your heart must accompany your knowledge."
> *Yet Another certification Exam
> "Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
> news:CkZmg.33001$
>|||It would seem that if the company 'lives on Powerpoint presentation" then
you would be able to gain significant management support for getting SSRS
Go around the "IT guys" and directly engage management in asking for the
support tools they need to get their work done.
Arnie Rowland, YACE*
"To be successful, your heart must accompany your knowledge."
*Yet Another certification Exam
"Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
>I *have* considered it. I just can't get our IT guys on the ball to
>respond to requests about it (services not currently running). In the
>meantime, I've got this growing daily demand for reports in a company that
>lives on Powerpoint presentations...
> Randall Arnold
> "Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> news:%23WOmwBxlGHA.4772@.TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>|||The problem is that this is an immediate need yet this facility may not be
open much longer. So I'm in a catch-22 where purchases are concerned. I've
been stuck with doing things with free or cheap tools and I'm reaching the
limits of what I can do under that constraint...
"Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> It would seem that if the company 'lives on Powerpoint presentation" then
> you would be able to gain significant management support for getting SSRS
> installed.
> Go around the "IT guys" and directly engage management in asking for the
> support tools they need to get their work done.
> --
> Arnie Rowland, YACE*
> "To be successful, your heart must accompany your knowledge."
> *Yet Another certification Exam
> "Randall Arnold" <> wrote in message
> news:wFaog.32765$
>|||A short term solution would be to use Microsoft Excel as a front end
for your charts, and then use OLE to embed the spreadsheet in the
PowerPoint presentation. Not the most ideal scenario, but might get
you through.
If it were me, based on what you describe, I'd work on the Excel
solution AFTER I blew the dust off my resume. :)
Randall Arnold wrote:
> The problem is that this is an immediate need yet this facility may not be
> open much longer. So I'm in a catch-22 where purchases are concerned. I'
> been stuck with doing things with free or cheap tools and I'm reaching the
> limits of what I can do under that constraint...
> Randall
> "Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> news:uflvIffmGHA.3844@.TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...

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