Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Creation of "global" variables in runtime.

Is it possible to create "global" (package scope) variables in runtime in SSIS packages? If yes, please give some examples.

Hi Yuriy:

Not sure I understand your question. Are you asking how to create variables that are consumed at runtime, or to have on-the-fly variables created as a package runs?

The first type is easy -- go to the Control Flow tab, make sure nothing is selected, and right-click anywhere in the white space outside of an object, and select "Variables" from the shortcut menu. Alternatively, select "Variables" from the SSIS menu at the top of the main window.

The dialog you see is pretty self-explanatory. Click on the blue "x" button in the toolbar to add a new variable. Give it a name, set its data type and initial value. Delete a variable by selecting it in the list and clicking the X button with the red "x" over it.

Once you create a variable it can be referenced through code in a Script Task or expressions in other tasks. Most often you must reference the variable as @.[User::<VariableNameHere>]. Notice the two colons (::) between "User" and the variable name, and the @. sign in front of the expression.

If an object in the Control Flow tab is selected when you invoke the Variables command, the variable is local to that object. I do this now and then on containers when I need a variable that is used to share data among the tasks within a container.

I don't believe it's possible to create entirely new variables at runtime.

|||No object can be created at runtime inside the packge.

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