Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Creating Parent/Child table with Sum for each group

i've been working on this report for the whole day now and have come
to the conclusion that this can't be accieved with Reporting Services
Or maybe i'm wrong...
I'm trying to display a report like this:
-- Group 1
-- SubGroup 1,1
-- SubGroup 1,2
-- SubGroup 1,3
-- SubSubGroup 3,1
-- SubSubSubGroup 3,1,1
-- Totals for SubSubSubGroup 3,1,1
-- Total for SubSubGroup 3,1
-- Totals for SubGroup 1,3
-- Total for Group 1
My data looks like this:
Text, Amount, Group, ParentGroup
I have done it like described here:
The problem is getting the Total to display correctly. I have tried
adding a table footer but this will only display the Total for the
entire table and not for each group.
Anybody know a solution to making this kind of report?
-MartinI had a similar problem. In the end I got around the problem by
creating a query that returned the hierarchised sub totals in the
dataset...this is relatively easy if your datasource is OLAP -
admittedly not so ideal if you are using relational datasources ...|||I found a way to work around it, and almost getting the desired result.
The result looks like this:
-- Group # 1, Total Amount
-- SubGroup # 1.1, Total Amount
-- SubGroup # 1.1.1, Total Amount
-- Element #, Amount
-- Element #, Amount
-- SubGroup # 1.1.2, Total Amount
-- Element #, Amount
I have added a Columns, "Headline", which tells me if a Row is a group
or an Element.
Then when i want the Amount displayed i use this expression:
=IIF(Fields!Headline.Value = 0, Fields!Amount.Value,
(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value, "table2_Details_Group", recursive)))
This seems to be the only way to calculate the Totals for a recursive

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