Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Creating OLEDB Connection from SSIS to Inforrmix


I am trying to Create an OLEDB Connection from SSIS to Inforrmix without any success. Would someone be able to help.We are running Informix version 9.4. We were able to create an OLEDB connection with SQL server 2000 and DTS. But, when trying to create an OLEDB connection using SQL server 2005 and SSIS, I am getting an error message. The connection is created successfully but cannot access databases and tables on informix. The error message when trying to load the Informix tables:

'Could not retrieve table information for the connection manager ....

'Ifxoledbc.e' failed with no error message available '

Your feedback is appreciated

Thank you,



What environment is your Informix DB running in?


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