Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creating Multiple Labels

Hello everyone, 1st time poster!

I've not been using Crystal reports long and subsequently don't know much and need help.

The company i work for uses Efacs v7.2 from Exel Systems as it's ERP with Crystal Reports 7 as the report generator/writer.

We generate a works order/schedule that is sent out onto the shop floor to specify what products need to be manufactured.

This basically shows a Part Number (in both text and Barcode) a Part Description and the Quantity required to be manufactured (amongst other bits of product info).

There can be multiple products on each schedule, all different.

I am now in the process of creating a report that will generate a sticky label that can be placed on the finished products box.

So far i have successfully created a report that picks up both Part Numbers (text & BC) and the Part Desc but it only prints one label per product.

EG Schedule may say

(part number: ) BM1-CLIN (Qty: ) 16
(part number: ) CLK-SUS (Qty: ) 8
(part number: ) MLK-SUS (Qty: ) 8

At the moment i only get 3 labels. I need to find a way of multiplying the Quantity of labels required by the Quantity of the Product being manufactured - so in the above example i'd get 32 labels.

Can anyone help? Let me know if more info is required.

Thanks.In your example, would you want

16 of this label (part number: ) BM1-CLIN (Qty: ) 16
8 of this one (part number: ) CLK-SUS (Qty: ) 8
and 8 of this one (part number: ) MLK-SUS (Qty: ) 8

If you could provide a small matix of data to work from ?
also, how do you group this by Part, or ??

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